A decade ago, there was controversey over whether American churches had entered a post-deominational period. As shown by this article, the consensus appeared to be that denominational affiliation was strong; however, since that time, it seems that some of the most prolific religious activites have grown outside denominational affiliations.
Post denominationalism was discussed, in some confusion by people trying to find out what Sarah Palin believed in 2008.
Since I find no definition that makes sense, I will provide one:
"Post-denominational" , or postdenominiational, or "post denominational" attempts to identify a period of general decline of centralized infulence among mostly protestant Christian denominations.
This neither creates a meta-denomination, nor a decline in the overall number of churches. Evangelical religious activity by individuals is growing and crossing individual church boundaries. New types ade groupings of individual churches are being formed. Mega churches have emerged which tend to create their own network of smaller churches. Though this differs significantly among existing denominations, most participants in this structure change agree, however, that the centralized authority of these denominaitonal groups have a different kind of influence than before this period of time.
"Post-denominational" It is also not to be confusesd with non-denominational, which identifies a category of independent protestant chuches who are not affiliated with any denomination. These churches have existed throughout American History.
There is even a movement in Judaism that has co-opted the term and created its own definitions
Post Denominational Missions
In light of this movement concept of how churhces cooprate together for missions is changing The concepot of Post Denominational Missions seems to be emerging elsewhere in discussions about creative and new ministry concepts, and Post denominationalism was discussed, in some confusion by people trying to find out what Sarah Palin believed in 2008.
Recently, post-denominational mission activites are begining to be mentioned
An Early Draft of this final document seems to have editied out the controversial phrase "post-denominational missions." The Article is about the the History of First Baptist Church Huntsville, AL.
"...... Following World War II, the U.S. Army chose Huntsville as a research and design facility for the newly emerging field of rocket science, and in the 1960s NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center led the city into a period of unparalleled growth. Scientists and engineers from throughout the nation and world moved to Huntsville, and many joined the congregation of FBC.
While First Baptist, like many other city congregations, struggled with the cultural and societal changes that swept the South in the sixties, for FBC the decade also witnessed new building programs, membership growth, and the emergence of a hands-on missions focus that hinted of an emerging post-denominational missions approach....."
March 2009 • Baptists Today
In summary:
Post denominationalism itself is an emerging concept, but post denominational mission strategies will be part of that discussion.
Post denominationalism was discussed, in some confusion by people trying to find out what Sarah Palin believed in 2008.
Since I find no definition that makes sense, I will provide one:
"Post-denominational" , or postdenominiational, or "post denominational" attempts to identify a period of general decline of centralized infulence among mostly protestant Christian denominations.
This neither creates a meta-denomination, nor a decline in the overall number of churches. Evangelical religious activity by individuals is growing and crossing individual church boundaries. New types ade groupings of individual churches are being formed. Mega churches have emerged which tend to create their own network of smaller churches. Though this differs significantly among existing denominations, most participants in this structure change agree, however, that the centralized authority of these denominaitonal groups have a different kind of influence than before this period of time.
"Post-denominational" It is also not to be confusesd with non-denominational, which identifies a category of independent protestant chuches who are not affiliated with any denomination. These churches have existed throughout American History.
There is even a movement in Judaism that has co-opted the term and created its own definitions
Post Denominational Missions
In light of this movement concept of how churhces cooprate together for missions is changing The concepot of Post Denominational Missions seems to be emerging elsewhere in discussions about creative and new ministry concepts, and Post denominationalism was discussed, in some confusion by people trying to find out what Sarah Palin believed in 2008.
Recently, post-denominational mission activites are begining to be mentioned
An Early Draft of this final document seems to have editied out the controversial phrase "post-denominational missions." The Article is about the the History of First Baptist Church Huntsville, AL.
"...... Following World War II, the U.S. Army chose Huntsville as a research and design facility for the newly emerging field of rocket science, and in the 1960s NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center led the city into a period of unparalleled growth. Scientists and engineers from throughout the nation and world moved to Huntsville, and many joined the congregation of FBC.
While First Baptist, like many other city congregations, struggled with the cultural and societal changes that swept the South in the sixties, for FBC the decade also witnessed new building programs, membership growth, and the emergence of a hands-on missions focus that hinted of an emerging post-denominational missions approach....."
March 2009 • Baptists Today
In summary:
Post denominationalism itself is an emerging concept, but post denominational mission strategies will be part of that discussion.