Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti Update for Relief Teams

 USAID put out This map on 2/26/2010 shows the current status of  aid to Haiti Earthquaqe relief. If you are planning a mission trip or a BAM activity for Haiti Relief, you need this map.

On January 25, the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (USAID/DART) coordinated the donation of USAID/OFDA-funded U.S. urban search and rescue (USAR) tent supplies to the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and area hospitals, including a total of seven tents to the University of Miami field hospital at the Port-au-Prince airport and the Port-au-Prince General Hospital and three tents to the Foyer L’Escale Orphanage in northern Port-au-Prince. UNICEF plans to utilize the tents to establish child-friendly spaces at the Foyer L’Escale orphanage, complementing efforts between UNICEF and the Government of Haiti (GoH) Ministry of Social Affairs to increase support for earthquake-affected populations.

  •  On January 25, two USAID/OFDA-funded flights carrying more than 5,400 hygiene kits and 5,000 body bags arrived in Port-au-Prince.
  • On January 26, one USAID/OFDA-funded flight carrying 18,000 water containers, nearly 2,500 hygiene kits, and four water storage bladders arrived in Port-au-Prince.
  • On January 26, USAID/OFDA provided $9 million in additional assistance to UNICEF for health, nutrition, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene activities in earthquake-affected areas. The recent contribution increases total USAID/OFDA humanitarian assistance to Haiti for the earthquake to more than $161 million to date.

  • Estimated Deaths 112,250 GoH
  •  January 24 People Displaced in Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area 609,000 GoH
  • January 22 People Departing Port-au-Prince 236,000 GoH
  • January 26 Estimated Affected Population 3 million U.N.
Current Situation

  • On January 25, the GoH reported that population movements from Port-au-Prince to rural areas had slowed, with an estimated 1,000 people departing the capital between January 24 and 25.
  • Accounting for recent population movements, the GoH estimates that nearly 236,000 people have departed Port-au-Prince for rural areas since the earthquake.
  • An estimated 62,500 people are currently seeking shelter in Artibonite Department. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  • According to UNICEF, relief agencies continue to deliver water to an estimated 115 sites throughout Port-au-Prince, reaching at least 235,000 people.
  • The GoH is rapidly expanding water distribution to areas outside Port-au-Prince, according to the USAID/DART.
  • USAID/DART WASH specialists continue to assess water conditions in spontaneous settlements and hospitals throughout Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, and Jacmel.
  • The USAID/DART continues to inform relief agencies 1 USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) 2 USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID/OTI) 3 USAID/Dominican Republic (USAID/DR) 4 U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

  • Wolrd Food Programme  (WFP) has conducted initial assessments in areas sheltering displaced persons, including locations in Artibonite and Northwest departments.
  • WFP is currently working with implementing partners to scale-up assistance in these areas. 

  •  On January 25, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) distributed dry rations of soy-fortified bulgur, lentils, and vegetable oil to approximately 1,300 households in Port-au-Prince.
  • CRS plans to continue distributions in the coming days.
Logistics and Emergency Relief Supplies
  • As of January 26, Shelter and Non-Food Item Cluster partners reported the distribution of emergency relief supplies to more than 119,000 beneficiaries since the start of the response, according to IOM. \
  • On January 25, USAID/DART staff reported the delivery of more than 1,600 kitchen sets, benefiting approximately 8,160 individuals, and 210 rolls of plastic sheeting, benefiting an estimated 10,500 people, from the USNS LUMMUS. The commodities delivered on January 26 supplemented the more than 1,500 kitchen sets and 190 rolls of plastic sheeting delivered from the USNS LUMMUS on January 24.
  • The USAID/DART consigned the emergency relief supplies to IOM for distribution to populations in affected areas. Health
  • According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the GoH Ministry of Health (MoH) is shifting response focus from emergency surgical care to primary health care and hygiene promotion.
  • In addition, Health Cluster partners have identified the medical needs of displaced populations in rural areas outside Port-au-Prince as a key priority, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
  •  The Health Cluster estimates that 20,000 people require medical assistance in Jérémie, Grand Anse Department.

  • At the Nutrition Cluster meeting on January 25,UNICEF presented a list of nutrition supplies available in Haiti, including Vitamin A, Plumpy’Nut, F-75 and F-100 milk, amoxicillin, oral-rehydration salts (ORS), zinc, and scales for infants.
  • UNICEF and PAHO are planning to establish procurement guidelines so that relief agencies may request nutrition supplies from UNICEF and medical supplies from PAHO.
  • In coordination with a request from the GoH MoH, UNICEF plans to collaborate with the Child Protection Cluster to coordinate immunizations and distribution of Vitamin A tablets, ORS, and fortified biscuits in orphanages.
  • According to the USAID/DART, the Nutrition Cluster has established a sub-cluster on infant and young child nutrition and community-based management of acute malnutrition.
  •  Relief agencies Concern, Save the Children, Infant and Young Child Nutrition, and Action Contre la Faim are leading the sub-cluster and collaborating closely with the GoH.

  • USAID/DART staff report that 140,000 plastic sheets are either in Haiti or en route to contribute to addressing displaced person shelter needs. 
  •  According to the Shelter Cluster, as many as 800,000 people may be living in spontaneous settlements in Port-au-Prince.
  • The USAID/DART emphasizes that plastic sheeting—when combined with rope or other framing material as part of a kit—represents a preferred shelter option to tents. Plastic sheeting kits provide a larger living space, have more flexible applications to social and site conditions, can be used as transitional construction material for permanent shelter solutions, can be provided at a significantly lower cost, and serve as an economic stimulus to local economies, as the material is often purchased locally rather than imported, as tents tend to be.
Search and Rescue Operations
  • The Fairfax County USAR team remains on standby in order to respond to additional requests for assistance if needed. To date, U.S. USAR teams have rescued 47 people, while U.S. and other international teams combined have rescued 134 people.
Haiti Earthquake – January 26, 2010

On January 12, USAID/OFDA activated a Washington, D.C.-based Response Management Team to support the USAID/DART that deployed to Haiti early on January 13 to assess humanitarian conditions and coordinate activities with the humanitarian community. The 32-member USAID/DART continues to assess priority humanitarian needs and identify emergency relief supplies for immediate delivery to Port-au-Prince.

As of January 22, DoD had committed approximately $126 million in support of the Haiti earthquake relief effort. DoD has been supporting the humanitarian response through transportation of emergency relief personnel and commodities into Haiti. USG HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE TO HAITI FOR THE EARTHQUAKE FY 2010 Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount USAID/OFDA

ASSISTANCE1 DoD Logistics and Relief Supplies Affected Areas $40,500,000 U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Search and Rescue, Emergency Response Activities Affected Areas $36,000,000 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Affected Areas $33,000,000 IOM Logistics and Relief Supplies Affected Areas $7,000,000 OCHA Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management

 The Rest @ USAID .gov

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Lee Royal