We support the Lausanne Covenant as our Statement of Faith,
·Enterprising Ministry's aim is to share tactics, techniques and ideas that integrate business in ways that awaken the global entrepreneur.
· We believe that ministry without enterprise is like faith without works.
·We believe enterprise without ministry is like works without faith; both approaches, alone, are dead. Tactics that separate ministry from enterprise reinforce the sacred - secular separation myth.
· We are interested in concepts that find, encourage and equip believing entrepreneurs, removing barriers that prevent them from serving in their evangalical, God-given roles, in every country on earth.
·Enterprising Ministry's aim is to share tactics, techniques and ideas that integrate business in ways that awaken the global entrepreneur.
· We believe that ministry without enterprise is like faith without works.
·We believe enterprise without ministry is like works without faith; both approaches, alone, are dead. Tactics that separate ministry from enterprise reinforce the sacred - secular separation myth.
· We are interested in concepts that find, encourage and equip believing entrepreneurs, removing barriers that prevent them from serving in their evangalical, God-given roles, in every country on earth.