Restoring Enterprise to its Place in the Body of Christ

Business as Mission, Kingdom Business, Great Commission Companies, Purpose-Driven Business, Enterprising Ministry, Kingdom Entrepreneurship - It goes by many names, but there is a new, and yet very old calling in the Global Body of Christ. Many believers are called to walk out their calling in the marketplace. A subset of those believers are called to plant and grow businesses that serve God and the rest of the church. It is their ministry, enterprising ministry, that we describe, support, and explore here.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Kingdom Task Force Team

A Kingdom Task Force Team is a small group with specialized skills. When linked together as part of a larger Task Force, The Team serves a vital but narrow role in a much more com plex ministry.

Though a tems my have a multitude of Specialities, there are three functional types: Front line teams, Support Teams and Catalyst Teams

Some Examples of Front line Teams are:

  • Prayer walking Teams
  • Personal Evagalism Teams
  • Church Planting Teams
  • Remote Learning Center Instalation team
  • Micro-enterprise installation teams
  • Water treatment project installation
  • teams

Some examples of Support Teams are:

  • International Project Finance Teams
  • Remote Computer Learning Center Architecture Teams
  • Water treatment project specialists

Some examples of Catalyst Teams are

  • Regional denominational teams
  • A strategy team made up of representatives from Catalyst teams
  • A team with a full vision who recruits the other teams they need

Charachteristics of a Kingdom Task Force Team are that they:

  • Have a biblical accountablity structure
  • May be or operate like a small or life group
  • Constantly maintaining expertise in their specialty
  • Have a self-sustaining operating plan
  • Participate in newtorks where they can engage in Task Force Projects

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Fishermen

There were three fishermen Who fished with their sons everyday on Lake Malawi.
Each day, the three Father and sons would each would pray to God to bless their work, and the family would take their boat out on the waters. Each day, every Father and son's boat brought back ten fish.

Al three fishermen families brought their ten fish back to the beach each day, and cooked them all over coal fires. Each prayed together with the rest of their Families.

The First Fisherman's Family

The first fisheman's family always prayed this prayer:
Thank you God that you made us wise enough to know the sea and the fishing grounds. We are grateful for great eyes to see the good fishing places.
We will take the ten fish, the fruit of our labor, and we will feast tonight.

The second fisherman's family:

They brought their ten fish back to the beach each day, and they took one fish to the local priest before they cooked the 9 remaining fish over coal fires. They then prayed:

Thank you God that Showed us favor today and send the fish to our nets. We show our gratitude by returning to you one of the fish from the ten that you have given to us.

We will take the nine fish, the fruit of our labor, and we will feast tonight.

The third fisherman's family

They brought their ten fish back to the beach each day, and they took one fish to the local priest.

They built a hut where there was a slow smokey fire buring all the time. They took the second fish and hung in on a rack in the smokeing hut, where it dried.

They cooked the eight remaining fish over coal fires.

They then prayed: Thank you God that Showed us favor today and send the fish to our nets. We show our gratitude by returning to you one of the fish from the ten that you have given to us, and we set aside another fish so that you may use us to share with others who have no fish.

One Day, a great tsunami blew over the reefs, and for seven days that came and went when the fish disappeared from their waters and all the nets of the fishermen came up from the sea empty.

After their first day without fish, The first and second fishermen came together and cried out to God, because they knew that their children would soon not be able to sleep because of their hunger.

The third fisherman's family took their dried smoked fish and fed all three families for the next seven days.

The third family prayed this prayer:

Father God, we are thanfull that you provide all our needs, thank you for using some of the fish you sent us to meet the needs of your people.

Such is the way of God's provision and fellowship:
He often uses the most grateful, those most dependent on him to sometimes be the provision and instrument of fellowship for his people.