A Kingdom Task Force Team is a small group with specialized skills. When linked together as part of a larger Task Force, The Team serves a vital but narrow role in a much more com plex ministry.
Though a tems my have a multitude of Specialities, there are three functional types: Front line teams, Support Teams and Catalyst Teams
Some Examples of Front line Teams are:
Though a tems my have a multitude of Specialities, there are three functional types: Front line teams, Support Teams and Catalyst Teams
Some Examples of Front line Teams are:
- Prayer walking Teams
- Personal Evagalism Teams
- Church Planting Teams
- Remote Learning Center Instalation team
- Micro-enterprise installation teams
- Water treatment project installation
- teams
Some examples of Support Teams are:
- International Project Finance Teams
- Remote Computer Learning Center Architecture Teams
- Water treatment project specialists
Some examples of Catalyst Teams are
- Regional denominational teams
- A strategy team made up of representatives from Catalyst teams
- A team with a full vision who recruits the other teams they need
Charachteristics of a Kingdom Task Force Team are that they:
- Have a biblical accountablity structure
- May be or operate like a small or life group
- Constantly maintaining expertise in their specialty
- Have a self-sustaining operating plan
- Participate in newtorks where they can engage in Task Force Projects